Frequently Asked Questions

How much do your services cost?

A typical telehealth visit (out-of-pocket) is $125.

A home care visit (out-of-pocket) is typically $125.

If you require more frequent care, please inquire about our 10% discount. This discount is available to all patients with appointments booked and kept within 45 days of a previous appointment.

Do you accept insurance?

Currently, we accept Cigna, Medicare, BCBS Empire Health Insurances. We are working to incorporate all major insurance providers into our system. Stay connected for the acceptance of your insurance provider.

Many of our clients pay out-of-pocket due to the affordability of our services.

Can you order prescriptions, lab work, and referrals?

Yes, yes, and yes. Through our online system, we are able to find the most convenient location for you to see specialty doctors, receive prescriptions, have blood drawn, and more.

Do you do home visits or in-person care?

At this time, we offer in-home care in the Suffolk County and Nassau County area. Contact us for specific service area.

What services do you provide?

We provide non-emergent medical services through a virtual platform.

Through our service you will be able to see a Nurse Practitioner from the comfort of your own home. If lab work, specialty visits, or prescriptions are needed for your care, we will be able to serve you through our comprehensive virtual platform.